Sala de Honor

Association Latinos Awards Program


Inspira Award:
Michael Pereira

”Michael's strength lies in his dedication to seeking diverse perspectives and empowering others. In addition to his outstanding efforts in creating inclusive spaces, Michael's involvement in prominent committees such as the ASAE Young Professional Advisory Committee (YPAC) and Association Latinos Communications Committee is a testament to his commitment to driving meaningful change on a broader scale.”

Danielle Duran Baron, MA, MBA, FASAE, CAE (she, her, hers)

Estrella Award:
Juan Amador, FASAE, CAE

"Juan has demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing Latino/a/x colleagues and creating more visibility and inclusion in the association community for 20 years. In addition to his numerous achievements, anyone who knows Juan would agree that he is a natural coach and mentor always ready to sponsor and mentor the next generation."

Silvia Quevedo, CAE (she, her, hers)